Waukesha CTH L Improvements
« Return to Project SearchThis project involved the reconstruction of about 2.5 miles of Waukesha CTH L in the City of Muskego. The project expanded CTH L from a two-lane rural roadway to a four-lane urban roadway with raised median, dedicated left- and right-turn lanes, bike lanes, and pedestrian facilities. This project easily met Complete Streets/Trans 75 standards through the design of on-street bike accommodations and the addition of sidewalks through the corridor.
The project included right-of-way acquisition and design of storm sewer and traffic signals. Landscaping, streetscape elements, and decorative lighting have been incorporated in coordination with the City.
The project won a 2015 Public Works Project of the Year Award from the American Public Works Association Wisconsin Chapter.
Temporary signals, permanent signals, and intersection lighting were designed for four intersections along CTH L. Traffic signal timings were also developed for each of the four intersections for during and after construction.
Ayres worked with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Local Program to develop and get approvals for various design reports. Ayres also coordinated with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District.

Project Information
Client's NameWaukesha County
LocationMuskego, WI
Primary ServiceRoadway Design
MarketLocal Government