Tag: Pollution

Lawful Remediation: Enlisting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Assistance

All environmentally contaminated sites are not created equal. Don’t misunderstand; they’re all complicated in their own way, but some can prove particularly challenging when it comes to environmental cleanup. Certain scenarios are so potentially toxic that they warrant involvement by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the federal entity tasked with abating and controlling pollution… Read More »

Bioswales: More Than Just a Ditch

Consider the lowly ditch: a sometimes weed-choked area along the side of the roadway or at the edge of a parking lot. It’s there to catch precipitation draining off the solid surface – and too often also becomes a catch basin for discarded aluminum cans and fast-food wrappers. But here’s a twist: What if a… Read More »

Best Management Practices for Stormwater Runoff Facilities: Detention vs. Retention

April showers bring more than May flowers. Snow melt and springtime rains also bring stormwater runoff pains. Why is stormwater runoff a problem? Stormwater runoff impacts two areas: water quantity and water quality. When vegetative surface cover is replaced with streets and buildings, the rate of stormwater runoff, which starts as precipitation (rain, sleet, and… Read More »