Tag: Accessibility

Well-designed Sidewalks Keep Pedestrians, Communities on the Move

By Jeffrey Siewert, PE Safe sidewalks are essential. They keep pedestrians connected to their communities for work and recreation, and economies thrive when well-designed sidewalks can keep all that foot traffic moving. Why build sidewalks? Here are a few reasons: Sidewalks help keep pedestrians and motorists separated and safe. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) notes… Read More »

Carefully Designed Sidewalks Take Center Stage

Most people probably don’t spend much time thinking about sidewalks unless they: A) Have to pay for one. B) Have to walk in the street because their neighborhood lacks them. However, engineers and landscape architects give a lot of thought to sidewalks and/or multi-use paths when these pedestrian lanes are a part of their projects. A worn… Read More »