Mineral Point Road/South Junction Road Interchange
« Return to Project SearchAyres was hired to provide construction observation services for the reconstruction of the Mineral Point Road and Junction Road intersection in the City of Madison. The complex project, which involved the City of Madison, Dane County, and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, replaced the existing signalized intersection with a jug-handle interchange. Mineral Point Road was rebuilt to a six-lane divided urban roadway, and Junction Road is a four-lane divided urban roadway at the intersection.
The project won a 2015 Public Works Project of the Year Award from the American Public Works Association Wisconsin Chapter.
Phase 2 of the two-phase staged construction project included grading, three structures, a box culvert, 12 retaining walls, 14 overhead sign structures, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water main, granular backfill, base course, concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, HMA asphalt pavement, traffic control, signals, lighting, and landscaping.

Project Information
Client's NameWisconsin Department of Transportation, Southwest Region
LocationMadison, WI
Primary ServiceConstruction Engineering
MarketState + Federal + Tribal